Monday 11 October 2010

Technical Analysis -- "Wallace and Gromit: Curse of the Ware Rabbit" - CLIP

I couldn't find the beginning of the film to analyse so I found a clip on Youtube and will analyse that. Wallace and Gromit: Curse of the Were-Rabbit was released in over 3,000 theatres worldwide on October 14, 2005 and remained number one at the box office worldwide for three weeks in a row. It earned Nick Park a fourth Oscar and "Best Animated Feature" at the Academy Awards.

Section 1 -- 00:03 -> 01:00

Starts with a close up shot of Wallace's face in the middle of the shot with a shocked and scared expression on his face.
Zooms out to show all the characters looking and sounding very angry.
Shot is very cramped having lots of characters in the shot.
Cuts to an establishing shot of where the characters are, seen on the front of a table is the sign "Veg Growers Committee" and there is a cross at the back and they are all sitting in pews meaning that they could be in a church.
Cuts to a shot of three characters looking like they are the heads of the committee because they are sitting at the table.
Cuts to a shot of a woman poking Wallace with a garden shovel to show that she is angry.
Pans across to a shot of an old man acting just as angry.
Two shot of Wallace and Gromit and Wallace with the trap in his hands squashed showing that it didn't do the job it was supposed to do.
Over the shoulder shots to show that one of the men at the table is talking.
Cuts to a close up of the old man talking and then cuts again to an old woman talking.
Over the shoulder shot from the policeman to show that everyone in the church is panicking.
Then back to the shot of the three characters seen to be as the heads of the committee.
Tracking shot following the policeman.
Goes back and forth from the policeman to the crowd showing that he is talking to them.

Section 2 -- 01:01 -> 02:10

Over the shoulder shot to briefly disguise who is talking.
Shot of Wallace and Gromit and other characters turning round to see who is talking.
Shot of the vicar in a wheelchair wheeling his way closer to the policeman to explain what actually happened in more detail.
Shot of the vicar getting up out of his chair to show that he doesn't need the wheelchair really.
Panning up movement to keep the vicars head in the shot.
Shot doesn't change but turns into a close up of the Vicars head to show his expression.
Organ music to show dramaticness.
Shot to show that the music wasn't non diagetic as it first seemed, it was actually diagetic. (old woman playing the organ).
Zooming in towards the vicar explaining more of the story.
Fast cutting between shots of the vicar grabbing different people to make it more dramatic still.
Fast zooming out to show the shape of a huge rabbit that has obviously gone through a stain glass window.
Two shot of Wallace and Gromit to show the panic on their faces
One shot of a man and everyone around him is blurred, this is to make the audience focus on him.
High angle shot to show the woman shaking the policeman to show her panic.
Loud gun noise heard, diagetic because they all react to it.

Section 3 -- 02:11 -> 03:48

Cutting to a shot of a man in a hunting suit holding a gun (obviously the gun that was fired) next to a dog (a different version of Wallace and Gromit - bad version).
Cut to a close up of the man's face.
Comic shot of a statue falling down near the dog (what the man shot down) to lighten the mood.
Zooming out to show that the man has everyone's attention.
Shot of the stain glass window to show what he is talking about.
Cuts to a shot of Lady Tottington in the pulpit with a light shining on her and the arrangement of the lectern and light above it makes her look like an angel. Adding more humour
Then cuts to a shot of the man moving in front of something that makes him look like he has red devil horns.
Camera follows Lady Tottington walking towards the man.
Cuts to a shot of Wallace and Gromit looking happy.
Over the shoulder shot to show that they are having a conversation.
Shots of people turning round to show that people are listening to what they are going to say.
Then a shot of Gromits shocked face that everyone thinks that it is a good idea.
Two shot of the people who are the heads of the committee to show that they agree with it too.
Two shot of Lady Tottington showing that she is happy with the decision and the man to show that he is shocked like Gromit that everyone thinks that it is a good idea.
Shot of the man being mean saying "not the ones I'm looking at" (vegetables) and then cuts to a shot of Wallace and Gromit showing that he is talking about them.

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