Monday 11 October 2010

Choice of Brief Updated

I decided that after the two people in my group left to do something different, that I would have to too. I was going to continue on with the idea of a Music Video, but then I realized that it would be very hard to have to match the video to the genre of video that the specific band/singer did. So I decided that I would make a short film instead.
Seeing as though I am new to the college I don’t have that many friends, therefore I will have to try and make an animated film so that I can actually make something. I decided to do this through plasticine. This is because this will be one of the easiest forms of animation that I could do, purely because I can’t draw. However I understand that this will be very time consuming because I will have to do it by moving the plasticine pieces millimeters at a time and take millions of photos. I have been told by my teacher to use stop motion to make it slightly easier.
The brief is:
"A short film in its entirety, lasting approximately five minutes, which may be live action or animation or a combination of both, together with:
- A poster for the film
-A film magazine review page featuring the film"

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