Monday 11 October 2010

Technical Analysis -- "Loutette" by Sarah

I decided to do a Technical Analysis of this film because it uses plasticine to make the film and I thought that it would give me a better idea of how to film my own film.

Background music -- Loutette by Jools Holland

Section 1 -- 00:00 -> 01:05

All in black and white.
Starts off with a high angle shot showing a girl playing a piano (made of plasticine).
Zooming out motion and establishing shot to show where the girl is playing (in her bedroom).
Another high angle shot to show her playing the piano in time with the background music.
Lighting is shown as just through a window.
Pan movement to show the size of the room.
Shot of pictures (posters) on the wall of people playing piano as the music picks up.
Shot of the wardrobe to show the "night creatures" coming out.
Close up shot of her hands playing the piano in time to the music.
Another shot of the "night creatures" coming out but this time from under the bed.
Fading in and out of the shots.
More "night creatures" coming out from behind the piano - angled shot to show a better picture.
Going in and out of different shots going in between shots of the piano and other creatures coming out of different bits of furniture.
Shot of the "night creatures" being constructed into a drum set and symbols.
Another shot fading into being shown as brass instruments
Shot of the drum set and brass instruments being finished.

Section 2 -- 01:06 -> 02:48

All in colour.
High angle establishing shot to show all the instruments playing together
Lighting using spot lights on the different types of musical instrument playing together (Drums, Brass and Piano)
Close-up shot of the brass instruments, then another close up of the largest brass instrument playing in time to the music.
Panning shot to the girl playing the piano.
Then to the drums playing then to some symbols.
Another high up shot to show the instruments playing and the lighting is moving in time to the music.
A Close up shot of her hands playing the piano again.
Then a close up of the brass instruments.
Then a close up of the drum set.
Going back and forth to previous shots already shown.
panning backwards and forwards to show all of the instruments playing still in time with the music.

Section 3 -- 02:47 -> 3:34

Back into black and white.
Shot of all the instruments together in a group surrounding the piano and the girl looking at them all whilst still playing.
Close up shot of her hands playing the piano again (a replay of previous shots -- to save time)
Shot of a toy R2D2 moving in time to the music.
Zooming out shot of the door showing that someone could walk through at any time.
Shot showing that the "night creatures" are shaking with fear (probably because they can hear someone coming to the door.
Shots of all of them going back into the hiding places.
Fast zooming in and out shot in black and white and then into colour to show that someone has seen one of the "night creatures"

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