I realised after finishing the previous film poster that my film wasn't having any talking in it because I think that it would be hard to make the characters mouths move in time with someone talking, I also chose not to have talking in it because I am not a good script writer and I was worried that the speech would ruin the film. So for the final movie poster (shown above) I decided to take out the stars name but then keep the previous film poster to show that if I had decided to have talking in the film, those were the stars that I would have chosen. I like this final poster because it looks good and doesn't give too much about the film away. I think the final font works really well because the first font that I chose was called Holiday font and it looked too swirly girly and the person viewing the poster may not be able to read the title therefore defeating the object of a poster, to inform people that a film is coming and that they should go see it (if they can't see the title, they won't go see the film)
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