Wednesday 8 December 2010

Shooting the film

I also did some of the inside filming last thursday and this monday. This was very hard to do as it was so time consuming and although the things I shot, I think, look good. I don't think it will take up much of the 5 minute time limit. I also planned to do some outside filming last weekend but because the snow had frozen on the grass I couldn't because it wouldnt look right. If I do choose to do the outside scenes still I am going to be really rushed to do it this weekend because the snow may not have melted and therefore I will not be able to film it. I will do another brainstorm so that I can come up with different ideas of how to get around it.

I am planning to edit most of the film today as I brought in the memory card for the film, however I left the openning titles memory card at home because my mum had to use it for work and the memory card didn't have enough space to do it all.

I also plan to go to the library on Friday lunchtime so that I can finish the film and perhaps stay in on Monday lunchtime aswell so that I can complete it aswell.

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