Wednesday 8 December 2010

Filming The Opening

Last night I went to my mums work and tried to brainstorm ideas on how I could start my film. I came up with the idea of having a blackboard and then writing "Directed By" etc. in chalk and but having it look like it is shining so it would give the illusion that a fairy was writing it.
I then came up with the idea of having glitter on a page and then it being blown away and then it reveal "Directed By" etc. and then it is reversed to have the glitter put back on and then it writes "Produced By" etc. and so on. (looks like fairy dust)
I then came up with the idea of having a paper full of glitter and then it being written on top of it revealing a black outline of the "Directed By" etc.

I tried to do the 2nd option but I don't think it looks right, I'll upload it onto here so I can have a proper look but I think that I am going to use the 3rd option instead.

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