From this I learnt that the audience really liked the beginning of my film where I imitated the title sequences of Dream works and Paramount. They also pointed out to me that the music was slightly off from the actual footage so I was then able to set that right (without my audience feedback I wouldn't have found that out). They also thought that the expressions on the characters faces were good but they also said that it would have been better if the characters were able to talk (this as I already stated may have been possible if I had more time but then it would have taken me probably a couple months longer to actually complete the film.) They also said that they think the music really went well with the film in most of the dramatic points and some of them recognised the music and thought that it was really clever that I used music from a different film and put it into mine, because it made them wonder what film it was actually from and then they also thought that the music was clever in the way that it looks like it was made for my film.
Most people enjoyed my film and thought it was between excellent and good, however a few said that the film was average because they expected "smoother" movements from the characters and better features. Whilst on some level I agree with them, I think that it is unrealistic to expect me to create a film on the same standards as professional film makers.
My audience feedback helped me improve my film by tweaking certain things within it such as slight delay in music and things being jumpy. I don't think that without my audience feedback my film would have been as good.
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