Monday 29th November 2010
I plan to do some of my inside filming tonight, I will do this on the dining room table having the set resting ontop. This is because if it is on the floor the tripod won't work properly and it will make everything look like someone is looking down on the set.
I will probably film the witches house scene because that is the set that I feel that I have done the best and it will be the easiest to actually do.
Brief: A short film in its entirety, lasting approximately five minutes.
Monday, 29 November 2010
Actual final poster

I realised after finishing the previous film poster that my film wasn't having any talking in it because I think that it would be hard to make the characters mouths move in time with someone talking, I also chose not to have talking in it because I am not a good script writer and I was worried that the speech would ruin the film. So for the final movie poster (shown above) I decided to take out the stars name but then keep the previous film poster to show that if I had decided to have talking in the film, those were the stars that I would have chosen. I like this final poster because it looks good and doesn't give too much about the film away. I think the final font works really well because the first font that I chose was called Holiday font and it looked too swirly girly and the person viewing the poster may not be able to read the title therefore defeating the object of a poster, to inform people that a film is coming and that they should go see it (if they can't see the title, they won't go see the film)
Certificate Ratings

Most family films are made by Walt Disney Pictures and all of their films are certified "U", However there are some family films made by other companies that are PG for example Dreamworks' Shrek is a PG because of its mild language and crude humor. However because in my film there will be no bad language at all or crude humor I think I could certify it as U.
I wouldnt have to certify it as 18, 12, 12A or 15 because there will be no violence or bad language.
The Filming
Unfortunately the day that I was going to do the outside filming it snowed making it impossible to film outside as I need grass for the scene and without it, it would be useless. I then thought I could do some filming for the inside scenes but then I found that my mum had taken the camera and the memory stick into work and wouldn't be able to get it back before Monday. So I am going to have to cram most of my filming into this Thursday and Weekend otherwise it wont get done. If it is still snowy on Thursday I will start making a set that looks like grass so I can film it then, it will take time but I think I will be able to do it.
Wednesday, 10 November 2010
Making my poster
I thought that because my film uses plasticine people, my poster should be made out of plasticine too. This is so that people would be able to guess that this is what the film will be made from and so that they aren't thrown off guard when they see the film.
To make the poster I made different colour greens out of plasticine by having a base colour of green
and adding yellow to one, white to another and leaving one normal.
I then had to roll out a thin circle of purple to make the faries face and then roll out 8 sausage shapes to make the hands, i then placed the circle on a black bit of paper and started to make the leaves that would surround the face. I did this by
rolling the green plasticine into a circle and then squishing it between my fingers and then making a point using my fingers aswell. I then took a knife and made the veins on the leaves.
I then made a circle of white to make the eye, blue for the iris and black for the pupil. I then made some long thin lines to make the eyelashes and placed them all ontop of eachother.
To make my poster look like a real poster I had to go into Adobe Photoshop and add the titles, certificate rating, when the movie is due to be out, the porduction company, the tag line and some of the stars that are in the film. To do this I just put the picture onto adobe and then just added text. Choosing a font and colour of the font was hard because some of the titles that I liked didn't look right on the actual finished product as you could barely make out what the title was. I then had to make the certificate rating and to do this I just went onto google and added it onto the poster. I then had to get some of the logo's for the production companies etc which I also got from google.
I then noticed some lines on the face from where my fingers had smoothed down the plasticine, so I thought I could smudge it to make it look smoother but it took forever to recognise what I did and even then it looked really bad because the brush was too big so it smudged everything.
Title fonts for my poster
I have found some nice fonts on Da-Font ( and I want to use one of them but I need to see first which one looks best, to do this I the title on the poster in different fonts and see which one stands out more to people. I'm going to have the font in a bright purple because I think that it will contrast between the green leaves. To see which one stands out more I will ask 11 people which one they think looks better and see which comes out with the best score.
Stars that should be put on the poster:
To figure out what stars to have on my poster I had to decide what ones are mostly in animated films.
Renee Zellweger for example has been in animation films such as Shark Tale, Monsters vs. Aliens and Bee Movie. I think that this is because she has a sweet voice and is suitable for children's films and when the parents are watching the films with their children they will recognise the voice. For a male example Robin Williams has been in alot of animation films and also alot of childrens films, these are including the classics Aladdin and Fern Gully. Some other examples would also be Happy Feet and Robots.
Production Companies that do animated films:
Universal Studios, Pixar, Dreamworks Animation, Warner Bros Animation, Walt Disney Pictures.
To make the poster I made different colour greens out of plasticine by having a base colour of green

I then had to roll out a thin circle of purple to make the faries face and then roll out 8 sausage shapes to make the hands, i then placed the circle on a black bit of paper and started to make the leaves that would surround the face. I did this by

I then made a circle of white to make the eye, blue for the iris and black for the pupil. I then made some long thin lines to make the eyelashes and placed them all ontop of eachother.
To make my poster look like a real poster I had to go into Adobe Photoshop and add the titles, certificate rating, when the movie is due to be out, the porduction company, the tag line and some of the stars that are in the film. To do this I just put the picture onto adobe and then just added text. Choosing a font and colour of the font was hard because some of the titles that I liked didn't look right on the actual finished product as you could barely make out what the title was. I then had to make the certificate rating and to do this I just went onto google and added it onto the poster. I then had to get some of the logo's for the production companies etc which I also got from google.
I then noticed some lines on the face from where my fingers had smoothed down the plasticine, so I thought I could smudge it to make it look smoother but it took forever to recognise what I did and even then it looked really bad because the brush was too big so it smudged everything.
Title fonts for my poster
I have found some nice fonts on Da-Font ( and I want to use one of them but I need to see first which one looks best, to do this I the title on the poster in different fonts and see which one stands out more to people. I'm going to have the font in a bright purple because I think that it will contrast between the green leaves. To see which one stands out more I will ask 11 people which one they think looks better and see which comes out with the best score.
Stars that should be put on the poster:
To figure out what stars to have on my poster I had to decide what ones are mostly in animated films.
Renee Zellweger for example has been in animation films such as Shark Tale, Monsters vs. Aliens and Bee Movie. I think that this is because she has a sweet voice and is suitable for children's films and when the parents are watching the films with their children they will recognise the voice. For a male example Robin Williams has been in alot of animation films and also alot of childrens films, these are including the classics Aladdin and Fern Gully. Some other examples would also be Happy Feet and Robots.
Production Companies that do animated films:
Universal Studios, Pixar, Dreamworks Animation, Warner Bros Animation, Walt Disney Pictures.
Planning the opening
For my opening of the film I want to have it so that it looks like someone is telling a story. So I would like to have a book openning with "Once upon a time..." written on it.

To make the book I will buy a paper mache book that you can buy from Hobby Craft and then use newspaper and kitchen roll to make the decorations around the book. I will also paint the book in different colours to make it seem more 'magical'. I will then fill it with white paper and have the characters names written on each page and then in the openning the page will turn and reveal a new name. Then at the end of all the names I will have the words "Once upon a time..." written on the page and then it will turn over and there will be a picture of the sky, the book creases will then fade and reveal that, that is the openning shot of the actual film. On the front of the book will be the title of the film "Purple Magic"
An example of a film that opens with a story book opening is Walt Disney's Sleeping Beauty . The two screen shot examples are from Sleeping Beauty. I didn't want to put in the youtube clip because it was called Sleeping Beauty Part 1 which means it could be deleted and it is a pirate.

To make the book I will buy a paper mache book that you can buy from Hobby Craft and then use newspaper and kitchen roll to make the decorations around the book. I will also paint the book in different colours to make it seem more 'magical'. I will then fill it with white paper and have the characters names written on each page and then in the openning the page will turn and reveal a new name. Then at the end of all the names I will have the words "Once upon a time..." written on the page and then it will turn over and there will be a picture of the sky, the book creases will then fade and reveal that, that is the openning shot of the actual film. On the front of the book will be the title of the film "Purple Magic"

An example of a film that opens with a story book opening is Walt Disney's Sleeping Beauty . The two screen shot examples are from Sleeping Beauty. I didn't want to put in the youtube clip because it was called Sleeping Beauty Part 1 which means it could be deleted and it is a pirate.
Creating the sets
The first set that I made was the inside of the "witches house" this was done by getting a cardboard boz and then putting it into a room shape by cutting off one of the edges and then sticking it to the bottom to make the floor. I then put a mix of PVA glue and water over it and stuck kitchen roll on it so that it would be easier to paint. When this dried I painted the floor a dark brown so that it would look like mud (because the witch lives in a toadstool mushroom) and then the walls a light yelow colour to look like the walls of a mushroom. I then made a witches caludron and also a chimney.
I then had to make the outside of the mushroom so that the characters can be seen going into it. This was made by rolling up a piece of cardboard into a large tube and then cellotapin
g it together. I then cut out round a plate to make the top of the mushroom and then stuck a load of rolled up balls of newspaper on the top and added one layer on the top of it so that it would look rounded. I then pp a mix of PVA glue and water over it and then stuck kitchen roll on top to make it easier to paint. To paint the toadstool I needed to get an image of what one looks like. So I went onto google and typed in toadstool and found the image shown to the right. So I then painted the top of the mushroom red with white spots and the base a light yellow colour.
Because most of the film is based outside I will be using the outside to do most of the filming but then make props (such as the mushroom) to make it seem more interesting and 'fairytale' like.
I think that I will also make a small castle to put into the distance and paint it in colours that castles wouldn't normally be (for example purple and pink)
I will also make a cave for some things to live in (the character won't actually see what is inside the fairy will tell her but then as they are walking away some fire will shoot out of the cave.)
I will then need to make the fire that comes out of the cave, I could do this by using real fire and using a deodourant can and a lighter (but this is very dangerous so I don't think I want to do this.) or I can use paper and cut it into a fire shape and then slowly push it out of the cave and take a photo frame at a time and then when it is sped up it will look more like fire and it is safer.
I then had to make the outside of the mushroom so that the characters can be seen going into it. This was made by rolling up a piece of cardboard into a large tube and then cellotapin

Because most of the film is based outside I will be using the outside to do most of the filming but then make props (such as the mushroom) to make it seem more interesting and 'fairytale' like.
I think that I will also make a small castle to put into the distance and paint it in colours that castles wouldn't normally be (for example purple and pink)
I will also make a cave for some things to live in (the character won't actually see what is inside the fairy will tell her but then as they are walking away some fire will shoot out of the cave.)
I will then need to make the fire that comes out of the cave, I could do this by using real fire and using a deodourant can and a lighter (but this is very dangerous so I don't think I want to do this.) or I can use paper and cut it into a fire shape and then slowly push it out of the cave and take a photo frame at a time and then when it is sped up it will look more like fire and it is safer.
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